Is that possible to generate income even if you are in deep sleep!!!?

make money online, make money from home. online income

Earning passive income even if you are in deep sleep!!! Is it really possible?
The truth is "Yes, possible" But you should follow these 5 steps. 

 Before we jump into the main course let me tell you something. In this article, we will find out the best 5 possible steps to earn from online without the scam and spam. Though we need earning for a lifetime so we do not mention any blackhat method in this article.

Thanks for your patients, Now let me tell you the 5 steps:

1. Choose an Affiliate Niche
2. Buy Domain and Hosting
3. Make a website for Affiliate marketing
4.Join some affiliate companies
5. Promote the affiliate products 

OH NOOO... It seems lots of tasks, a lot of things todo. I don't no coding how I can build a website? I can't find the best niche to affiliate!! I don't know how to promote affiliate products... 😰

Wait wait... Relax, I'm not finished yet... 😌 I will make all of the things easy for you. trust me.

Choose an Affiliate Niche

Fashion, Beauty products, Health products, Weight loss Products, Pet niche all of them are evergreen niche you may choose any of them. Search on the eCommerce platform and check what category's products have a high selling rate. Take this category as your affiliate niche.

Buy Domain and Hosting

You have to buy Domain (web address) and a Hosting (web storage). You can buy them from Godaddy/Namecheap. 

Make a website for Affiliate marketing

You can make your own website, 

"Are you kidding me? I don't know any coding!!! "

You don't even have to know any coding, just use Wordpress, Wordpress has thousands and thousands of pre-build website, you may use them proudly. There is no copyright issue. 

Or you can take help from me, I can make the best affiliate website for you, Have a look at my service details and price

Join some affiliate companies

Now, this is the perfect time to join an Affiliate company, You make join Amazon, ClickBank, Shareasale, Commission Junction, Rakuten or any other affiliate site, It's free of cost. 

Promote the affiliate products 

How you can promote your products?
You can promote them in 4 ways. 3 of them are free and the last one is paid. 

1. Doing SEO
2. By review post
3. Social media marketing

Are those tasks difficult for you? You can take help from Rafiqul Islam Bappy. He is a pro marketer and SEO expert. 

That's all you have to do and it will generate your passive income day by day even if you are in deep sleep.

Feel free to ask me if you have any question,
Sharing this post among your family and friends is much appreciative.

Mahadi Nayeem
CEO of

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